Dr. Susan's Reign: Cat Johnson series (Cat Johnson Chronicles Book 1) Read online

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  "Baby." I hold him, cradling him to my chest, feeling sorrowful that he had to go through so many changes. What type of shit heel leaves one of their own behind? Cats are a forever pet, not three months. Same with dogs or any other animal.

  "Geesh woman, did you not understand me?" She watches in revolt at the warmth I offered him. "He's been doing that all day, going between weeping to wishing to fuck shit up." The state that the apartment was in proving that. "So why can't you just take him somewhere so he can be on his merry way?" Oh, how it is to be a cat with the simple solutions.

  I'm sure Susan would more than happily take him for her experiments. That was not a tactic that was about to go down swinging, though.

  Going to struggle to rehome a cat after a day of countless magic lists towards the end, and seeing the bitch wasn't precisely on my agenda either. I just craved to kick my boots off, put a pizza in the oven, and binge watch one of those shows I was watching on Netflix. Not that it was about to transpire that way either with the array that kitten butt got into in his time alone. Maori basically bringing him into the apartment then leaving him to his own devices.

  I was considering getting another cat for the longest time. Maybe it was a sign?

  "You are going to get rid of him, aren't you?" She stares at me expectantly from the other couch. I had a twin set of a sofa and a loveseat. Ones that, despite my intentions, have taken some extra love from Maori over the past year.

  "Maori. I don't know. I'm drained. Why don't I get things tidied up, and we can determine things in the morning?" I fight back the urge of my eyes closing. I had to stick around for a bit, or it would just be more of a mess when I got up.

  "By the morning, you'll be too connected to snuggle butt to let him go." She shakes her head, not happy where things are going. Muttering stuff about how she should have left the little rat outside. Reminding me of a scene that would forever be seared into my brain.

  "Mrow. Mrow. Mrow." I hear the cries as I'm walking the back ways back home from work. It was late night, and I had fewer interactions doing it that way. The evening breeze feels nice, as if it's almost about to rain.


  I stop, looking around to see where the noise could be coming from. It was hardly noticeable. But as I take a stride towards someone's waste bin that they left out for pickup, it grows louder.

  It was latched shut. Fuck.

  That wouldn't stop me, though. I take out a handy box cutter from my pocket—something I accidentally pocketed on my way out of work. I thought about bringing it back, but that could wait as I found another use for it.

  It was a safety box cutter, so it took more effort than it should, but I managed to get through it. The light in the house is turned on. A door about to open, as some asshole is about to lecture me for burrowing through his waste. I dump the thing over, tearing through it just as he gets through the door.

  "Bitch! Get out of my trash before I call the fucking cops!" An overweight white man howls at me. Which I ignore, leafing through it until I uncover the source of the noise. My breath stopping as I see the horror, tears coming to my eyes. A pile of five kittens in varying colors are all dead... One alive kitten mewing under all the death and carnage. One that could hardly be more than a month or two. Another side of the trash was who was expected to be the momma suffering the same outcome as the five.

  I feel his clutch on my shoulder as terror shoots through my soul. What was this monster going to do to me? "Get the hell out of my trash! Scram!"

  "I got what I needed; I can be on my way now." He sees the kitten I have curled up in my arms, his face stone cold. "No thanks to you cruel monster!" The words leave my lips before I can stop them. Not that he didn't deserve worse.

  "You wrecked my yard for that piece of shit! She belonged in the trash! Give her back!" His lawn was covered in broken bottles that were far enough away that they couldn't have been from my wreckage. Cigarette buds. He had bad upkeep before I got here.

  He makes his way to leer towards me, but I kick him in the chest, holding her close to my chest. Him getting set back by stumbling over some of his own junk on the way down. "I don't have to explain my actions to you. All they did was fuck with shit and meow! The misses weren't even supposed to have a litter!"

  That's what proper cat care is for. I find a bat on the ground and contemplate beating him to hell with it. The rain dripped down. I tentatively picked it up.

  "Fine, have her, you crazy fucking bitch! She ain't worth jack shit, anyway!" Disguising fear with anger.

  I step closer to go towards him anyway, but the kitten brings my attention back to her. A pained meow and shaking, and I knew I had to get her to safety. Her wellbeing mattered more than some douche.

  I don't take off without a nice hit to the balls with the bat first, though, leaving him in screaming agony before I run off with the cat tucked in my jacket. To hopefully offer some warmth. Why did people like that have to exist?

  Lucky for me, I live within walking distance to a grocery, so I run there. Picking her up a blanket that's on the shelves, much to a clerk's displeasure. "Ma'am, you shouldn't be bringing a cat in here."

  "I just snatched her out of some douchebag's trash bin. She's cold, so I put the damned blanket on her!" I see his expression change to one of more sympathy. "I didn't want to leave her at my place alone when I don't have any cat shit there. So I'm here. Can I continue my shopping?" I wasn't asking; it was more of an order with the way things were stated.

  He's speechless from my brief outburst but nods. I felt kind of bad for going off on him like that. Fully recognizing that he didn't make enough to deal with people like that. Instead of staying to explain, though, I get everything the little kitten could require, and then some. Having to make sure she lived to see what her future could carry.

  Chapter 7


  I stare in contempt as the two sit on the couch together. The asshole curled up on her lap, taking a nap. Putting his claim on her even though the two haven’t known each other for twenty minutes. Sure, I wasn’t much of a snuggler, but it would still be nice to have the opportunity to say I have a change of heart.

  Every moment he’s here, I regret taking him in more and more. Sitting by my girl, chewing my food, playing with my toys! This was barbarity!

  “What’s wrong, Maori? Isn’t he cute?” The traitor utters those words. She didn’t need to have him around; I was cute enough for this whole place. I was cute enough for this apartment complex. I was cute enough for the entire damned planet! Okay, so maybe I was a tad bit jealous. I was just used to seeing her fawn all over me, instead of the munchkin over there. “Maori?” She questions again, her face worried at my lack of response.

  “Yes, he’s certainly Charming.” The sarcasm is dripping from my voice. The comment brought an unexpected smile to her face, almost like the light bulb lit up. God, no, that was never a good thing. The same thing happened when she tried to bring me home a collar and tag.

  “I’ll call him Charming. Sounds fitting enough. How do you like it, baby?” She holds him up to her face as he purrs loudly at it. Fucking ass kisser. She puts him back down on the couch, him insisting that he desires to climb up her shoulder and be a little carrot. In case you’re unfamiliar with the term, it’s a cat that acts like a parrot.

  “I was trying to think of a name for him. Several ideas flying through my head.” She muses. She better not rename me to something that could go with Charming. Because at that point, I’d have to shit in her bed.

  “I think an idiot, or a waste of space would be better.” I shake my head, mumbling while she glares at me. Charming all the while oblivious to it with his kitten nature. Deciding he’s had enough with Cat, he tries to go up to snuggle me.

  “Mommy!” Dear God, no. I was not this kitten’s mother by any means. I should have acted like I never saw him outside. Should have just acted ignorantly because instead of barely sleeping, I’d be in more of a blissful state. “Snuggle me?” His en
ormous eyes peer at me questionably as Cat tries to hold in her snickers from the couch. Women better watch it; I know where she sleeps.

  I hold up my paw, keeping him at a standstill. The asshole takes it as an invitation, though, as he tries to lick it. Gross. I didn’t need kitten slobber on me with everything they put their mouths on. If it fit in there, he would see it fit to eat and attempt to nom down even when I wasn’t food.

  We were both alerted and standing up when there’s a monstrous loud knock on the door. That could only mean one thing, HQ was here.

  Cat reluctantly gets up from the couch to answer it. “Oh, if it isn’t my favorite person.” Sarcasm heavy in her tone when seeing Brian standing there. Even so, she lets him in. “What warranted this visit?” She piques an eyebrow.

  “I found out from some others that what you told us with the cat wasn’t true. You set him loose in the forest when you were explicitly ordered to alert HQ and let them handle him.” She grimaces as he yells in her face. His breath probably smelled of something ghastly like garlic or onions.

  “So he could be tested on?” She yells back. “Or better yet executed?” She wasn’t backing down from the decision that was made that night. “If there was someone else that night, could they not be bothered to extend a hand? I almost perished at the palms of that tiger!” She throws up her arms, pissed as hell at Brian for sending spies on her. He never liked her. Never wanted her to be recruited. If it wasn’t for me, she would be one of the ones they just made disappear.

  “No, we wouldn’t have killed him.” Can he truly be certain? That wasn’t his area of expertise. He was the one who taught the fresh recruits. Giving them misery. “We would have tested his blood so we could have carried out a cure. Now thanks to you, he’s roaming in the woodlands while we could have been working something out. You can’t be so thoughtless! What if this was your cat she tested on?” As if accepting that as an invitation, Charming goes up to him shooting to run up his leg. Unlike Cat, though Brian wasn’t fond of kittens, and snatches him by the collar. “Excuse me, cat.”

  “Mommy, he’s hurting me!” Cat rips Charming from his arms. Giving him sweet loving’s.

  “Don’t pay attention to that mean man.” She glowers at Brian, peppering kisses on the dumb kitten’s head.

  “Sorry.” He excuses, not sounding like he’s sorry at fucking all. He didn’t care that he nearly traumatized a youngin because he was pissed. Also, don’t seem shocked by the words running out of Charming’s mouth, meaning Cat was the only one who could hear him with her catlike abilities. Well, cats saved her life, so it wasn’t shocking by any means.

  “This is a warning, Cat. Don’t go against HQ again. And we did some digging in your past, so don’t let those pesky feelings of yours impede the mission. We can’t afford to lose this one.” Her face is saying so many ‘fuck you’s,’ right now it’s not funny. If he wasn’t her boss, she would have told him precisely how she felt about him from the start.

  “Alright.” That is all she says instead, holding all the other words at bay. “Was there anything else you felt the need to tell me?”

  He takes an envelope from his pocket. “Here is your payment for defending the city from the cat creature. If he escapes the woods though and goes on its inevitable killing spree, those deaths are on your hands.” Lovely. Maybe I could convince Cat to allow me more cat treats with that.

  She grabs it out of the envelope, counting the payment, then frowning. “This is less than we agreed on.”

  “It’s 20 percent less because you neglected to turn over the cat to us. It’s still more than you make at that joke of a day job.” Hurt crosses her face at that remark. That joke of a day job had a special place in her heart.

  “We never agreed that I would bring the animal back. It was purely a recommendation.” She wasn’t about to let this slide. He opens his mouth to say something but ends up gaping like a fish when she continues. “Unless you wish me to call your supervisors about it and see what they have to say about it?” Cat could be mean when she needed to be. She had several occasions in history where others tried to walk all over her—a backbone grew that needed to be there.

  “Fine.” He fishes in his pocket, grabbing what is doubtless the rest of the money.

  Cat counts it to make sure. “Thanks.”

  “There’s a vast value on Susan’s head if you can bring her in.” He gruffly mentions. “You know her; maybe we could work something out.”

  Judging by her expression, she’s definitely considering it but uncertain whether to go for it with that spotted history. “If I did, it wouldn’t be with your help.” He shakes his head at her rejection.

  “Maori make sure Cat does her job right.” He shifts to me as he’s about to leave the apartment. I just give him a slow blink, telling him to ‘fuck off.’ I don’t do what my human says, so why would I listen to his ass?

  “Call me again where there’s another job I can take.” Cat waves bye as he leaves her without a response. Asshole.

  “Maybe I should get stuff for Charming before the store closes.” She peers at the clock.

  Hello? There was another kitty right here? What about getting me stuff? Was I that easily forgotten? I’m tempted to swing my paws at her ankle; that would give her something to remember me by.

  She caresses my head as if sensing my discomfort. “Of course, I would pick up something for you too. After all, I can’t take him to the store with me.” I give her my best face. It would be so nice to have a break from him for a bit. A chance to indulge in some proper sleep?

  “Are you sure he can’t go? Or could I go?” A grocery store full of people couldn’t be worse than dealing with him… Or could he go? People liked it when puppies were taken there for the most part.

  “Maori, I somehow think you will survive dealing with him for a bit. Besides, I have to get him a box since the carpet is not going to keep being used.” She looks in disdain at it. “Try to get him to cat like you.” Impossible, that wasn't something that could be echoed.

  “Please don’t.” I whisper, but she’s already putting on her shoes and grabbing her purse to go out the door. She picks up Charming, gives him a hug and a kiss goodbye. Then goes to me to do the same, as I wiggle away. “Make certain the kiddo doesn’t get into too much trouble while I’m gone.”

  The door comes to a close as she gives one last glimpse at her.

  “Maori! Maori! Maori!” Why did Cat have to bring up my name around him? Now I would hear it getting called regularly. It’d probably be better than being called mom, though, right? “What should we do while she’s gone?” He walks beside me, even as I’m attempting to get away from him.

  “I’m bored. Please pay attention to me.” He bounces up beside me on the bed after I lay myself down nicely on there. “Can you tell me a story? Or can we wrestle?” He turns on his side, trying to bat me in to play, fighting with him. I didn’t believe that look of innocence for a moment.

  I close my eyes, trying to drown the noise out. Maybe, just maybe, he would take the hint.

  That would be a no. He gets closer than comfortable to my face. “Are you ignoring me?” He asks, not hurt, just stating the question. “I think we can be grand friends.” He pounces on my back.

  “Fucker!” I snarl. I turn things over to me, sitting on him and nipping him behind the ear. “How about we play a game called go the fuck to sleep?”

  He grimaces as he tries to wave his paws from under me. Seeking an escape route. “That doesn’t sound fun. I wanna play, run, and pounce. And see what cool human things I can play with!” This was made to be a long hour with Cat being gone. Why couldn’t I have just left with her?

  Chapter 8


  I make a time of it looking through the aisles. Getting a cat tree to put together, several toy mice. Feather toys a must, though they wouldn’t last long with Maori as she adored tearing the feathers off one by one. Scratch that, many feather toys, so I wasn’t picking up a new one every
few days. Almost like a merciless villain pulling out all your teeth or something of that nature. So basically a dentist, or at least a bad one. Had a terrible, mean one in middle school. Made sure I heard every shitty thing she and her hygienist said...

  And, of course, couldn’t neglect the cat treats. I got a sizable bag of Maori’s favorite type, turkey flavored, along with some for Charming to explore with. Not that it matters much since he looks like he’ll try to eat about anything.

  I also pick up some groceries while I’m here working to not dwell on how Brian tried to short me. Along with some potential comfort food? Whatever I eat, I could runoff, or at least that’s what I was telling myself. The elliptical that I recently got, not getting as much use as it likely should.

  The fucking prick. I wasn’t going to let that fly. I recognized it was illegitimate when he coughed it up at the risk of calling his boss. His boss was the only person he paid any mind to. Brian lived in a world where he was the best, and everybody else was beneath him, some illusion. Hopefully, my determination didn’t bite me in the ass.

  And the nerve of him! Insulting my job like that? I loved it there; if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have spent the last decade there. While other people were informing me how I should be out getting a real job, I loved the one I had going through magic cards, pricing things, and looking out for the store’s wellbeing. Getting along with the other employees. They were like family. I was lucky Kent took the chance on the weirdo girl that wandered into his store all those years ago.

  I turn my head to the side, seeing the Aqua beauty from earlier still following me around? Or maybe she wasn’t. It seemed curious that every time I turned my head, she was a few feet away. Her eyes flitted aside as soon as she caught onto the fact that I detected her looking at me… Odd.

  I don’t know why she would trouble with me. With her huge emerald eyes and porcelain skin. Thin but carefully built. She obviously worked out with how great her ass looked in those leggings. Almost enviable, but I realized mine wasn’t something to ridicule either.