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Dr. Susan's Reign: Cat Johnson series (Cat Johnson Chronicles Book 1) Page 7
Dr. Susan's Reign: Cat Johnson series (Cat Johnson Chronicles Book 1) Read online
Page 7
The guy I swiped at is getting back at Charming as he surrendered himself down in the line of fire. “What about me? Am I pretty?” Oh my fucking god. They are trying to abduct me, and that’s the first worry running through his mind? How many fucking times was he dropped as a kitten?
“Get the fuck off him!” If my plan was just followed to par, I would have been able to save us both. I jump in his way.
“Good.” He picks me up as I claw at his face. “You were the one we were looking to score anyhow. Not the pipsqueak.” I knew I should have never brought him here. Wish I had some way of notifying Cat that Raven wasn’t the woman she appeared to be. I should have never pressured her towards her. Who knew she’d listen after all the rejections she gave over the years?
“Maori, don’t go!” Charming yells after me, to just get jolted by the beast who was carrying me. I bit his arm in response; no one was supposed to bully the munchkin except me.
“You fucking bitch! I fucking hate cats!” He sticks the syringe in my neck rougher than he likely needed to from earlier comments. The rest of the world is fading away—ugly bastard.
Chapter 14
“This is so romantic, isn’t it?” She purrs. The moon highlights her features, making her look even more lovely if possible. We’re sitting in a somewhat secluded spot in the drive-in. Everyone else is paying attention to the movie or each other instead of us two lesbians here intoxicated by each other. I feel my body slightly tremor, as it will when I’m nervous, cold, or anything along those lines.
Her perfect lips are alluringly eating a twizzler. Tugging at it as I struggle not to stare.
“Mhm.” I’m not really watching the movie, my eyes flitting back to her every few moments. Her voluptuous figure. Too shy to make the first move.
“You okay?” She asks as she can see my hand noticeably shaking. The tremors weren’t anything serious, as my doctor told me. It could be inconvenient at times when something would slip through my digits.
“I’m fine.” My voice is thankfully steady. “Tremors.”
She frowns. “Give me a minute; you must be cold. My eyes nearly fall out of my head as I see her bend over to grab a blanket. The skirt was just a bit too short to cover all of her ass, so I could see some peeking out. I nervously look out the window to distract myself from that tasty view. I was bad at this dating thing. Too nervous, never knew the right thing to say. People would leave when they got what they wanted because I was a boring date.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” She asks, returning with the blanket. It’s cute with kittens all over it.
I nod.
Her fingers send fire through my veins as she drapes it around the two of us. Her body heat alarmingly close as she strokes my arm and snuggles me. Offering comfort. “Sorry if this is too much.”
“It’s fine.” I nodded, wincing at how nervous that sounded as I snuggle into her shoulder, hiding my face. Not trusting my tongue to say more at the moment, overthinking any words that could stream out.
We watch the movie until she breaks the silence. “Why, though?” She pouts, seeing the prince charming, saving the woman once again. “She could have gotten out of that herself; didn’t need his help.” I wasn’t sure if I imagined it or if there was some slight bitterness in her eyes at that remark. It could be either, as I knew almost nothing about her. Other than that, she found my cat’s cute and maybe played magic? Maybe I could get to know her better.
“Why not a guy save a guy? Or a woman saving another woman? Or the girl saving the guy’s life?” I offer, earning a grin from her. The tense mood vanished as quickly as it came.
“I’d let you rescue me any time Kitty Kat.” She gives me a wink, my panties feeling the slightest bit wet at just that movement. I was worse than a horny high schoolboy.
“What if I’m the one who needs to be saved?” I whisper in her ear, causing her to shiver.
“I’m sure I could work things out.” She murmurs, peering deep into my eyes.
I feel myself subconsciously leaning closer until we’re nearly connected, earlier anxieties put on hold. Asking her with my eyes if I can kiss her. She nods, and I close the distance. It’s a wet, passionate, magical kiss. Making me feel like a million fireworks are going off in my head.
I roughly grab at her hair, drawing her body closer to mine. Dragging my other hand down her back as she moans at the sensation. I pull away for a moment.
“Why did you stop?” She’s breathless from the effect that it had on her.
“Getting to that,” I reassure her, letting her know this isn’t the end of our fun. “If you need me to stop at any point, just tap my shoulder two times.” I knew I could be a little on the rougher side and didn’t wish to make things wildly awkward if she didn’t enjoy it.
“I’m not worried about it.” She takes me by surprise, climbing in my lap, the heat immediately rising through my body. With how short her dress is and how she’s sitting, it’s distractingly clear she went commando. Her kiss took mine with their own desire. It’s magical. “I’ve been craving to do this since I first laid eyes on you in the grocery store.” I know what she meant. It took everything in me to not just take her then.
I kiss back more fiercely. Indicating towards her, we should move to the back. Have a little more space to stretch out. Allow each other to explore each other’s bodies more freely.
She complies but is now the one underneath. I have her arms caged above her head with one hand. The other exploring underneath that dress of hers. The perky little nipples that were teasing me since she walked through my door tonight.
“Cat.” She moans.
I move my hand away from her, sliding the dandelion yellow dress up her body. Oh, my. Naughty girl shaves. I didn’t think it was feasible to be any more turned on by the beauty.
Her breasts are perfect perky C’s. I take one of her nipples in my mouth, sucking on it. Loving the moans she makes. She was perfect. Doing the same to the other, getting a little rougher as she encourages it. Biting them and pulling away so she can feel the pleasure.
Kissing my way down her pretty body until I’m to that fishnet-clad cunt. Instead of being delicate and sliding them down, I tear a minuscule hole.
“You bitch!” She moans as I put a few fingers up her but doesn’t sound really all that upset. Already so wet. I put my lips to her sweet entrance, and the taste is nothing like I ever had. So tangy and sweet. Pure bliss. My fingers are pumping in and out as I lick her clit. The other hand grabbed her by the waist so she couldn’t escape. “Cat, I’m about to cum!” She screams, the sound of her sweet release sweeter than anything else I’ve ever heard.
Chapter 15
I re-awaken in a way to the brightly lit room. The lights make it hard to see anything. Or maybe that was the effect of whatever was in those needles that those assholes gave me. Detesting this, I feel so powerless. I loathed being weak.
“I wouldn’t have done this to her if she would have just let my original experiment be.” Susan’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard. I’ve never liked it, never saw the appeal. She was closer than I ever wanted her to be, a blurred body a few feet away.
“Lady, if you’re looking for sympathy, that’s not something you’re going to get from me.” I narrow my eyes at her, but I see a gleam of white across her face. Being able to make out somewhat of a smile. Her hovering.
“You were ideal from the start, though.” I flinch as another liquid of some sort is shot in me. My limbs feel like they’re tingling, then shoot pain as they demand to grow. Feeling like they’re being ripped apart as they grow ten times their natural range. “You talk, so very special for a cat. You and I can be something together, Maori.”
Chapter 16
“I had an amazing time with you.” I look into Raven’s indigo eyes. They reflect the night that the inner part looks a particular shade of green. Beautiful.
Tonight was wonderful. The best
that I had in a long time. Stuff was awkward at first, then we took things fast as I made her cum in the car. Repeatedly. Paying more attention to her needs than my own before she curled into my arms. Figuring once we went upstairs, we could finish things off.
We were kissing and touching each other on the way up the stairs to my building. Only momentarily ceasing to take a breath. Not that it lasted long. Once we get to the outside door, I trap her against it. Kissing her long and hard. Peppering kisses all over her neck and breasts as she writhes in desire. I loved how she would get on from just the slightest touch.
She giggles. “We should get up there unless you plan to defile me out here.” That was an idea.
The keys are in my hand, and she moves back to full-on, kissing me. Having me pinned against the door of my townhouse basement. Charming recognizing the intrusion as he meows up a storm from in there. “We should possibly get in there,” I utter. Using all my self-control to not take her right here and now.
“Are you sure you don’t wish to go back to my place?” Hey, eyes look coyly at mine, offering another suggestion. It’s not that I didn’t want to. But after a workday, the two cats have been left alone long enough. She didn’t have pets, and Charming was meowing like there was a fire going on.
“Are you saying you want to save this-” I’m cut off by Charming’s next words.
“Mommy, Maori is missing.” He cries, walking out with what looks to be a slight limp. What the fuck happened? And why the hell was he just roaming the halls? What arose in the time I was gone?
Susan! She wouldn’t have delved that low, would she?
I notice the door of my apartment smashed down, and that only confirms my suspicions. I pick Charming up in my arms in a way that won’t impair his injuries. “Is that okay, baby?” He nods. “Jesus Christ!” How the fuck was I going to explain this to the rental company? There goes my security deposit.
“What’s amiss?” Try to remain calm during it so I can get the full picture. “What happened to your leg?” Would I have to be making a late-night vet visit? They didn’t get into it? Where the fuck did Maori go? She would typically make some snarky, smart ass comment by now.
Fuck staying calm. My mind was in full-blown overdrive.
“That scary man came by and tried to take me, but Maori got in the way, letting me flee. So he grabbed her instead.” He cries, missing his sister. “He was scary, tried to lure me in, but Maori stepped in the way. I sought to stop him, then he booted me to the side.”
Date night. My cat consequently went missing the same night. This couldn’t be a coincidence. My eyes bounce back to Raven’s, her face immediately giving her away. No wonder she didn’t want to take off from the drive-in early. Insisting that we remain for the rest of the flick that we scarcely caught any of. Trying to get me to go to her apartment for the night... I should have been more pressed on getting out of there.
I twist my fist in Raven’s long aqua locks, pulling firmly, this time for interrogation instead of pleasure. “Where the hell are they?” Her eyes are fearful. She didn’t actually like me; she was just the diversion to get me out of the way for the time being. I hate humans. I can’t believe I actually let myself feel for her tonight. That I let myself get all worked up over nothing...
If I didn’t go out, Maori wouldn’t have been taken. I was a terrible human to my cat.
“I didn’t think he would actually try to take the kitten.” That was all she could say? What so Maori mean squat to her? The cat that permitted her presence was now paying the price.
I tug together on her hair, not having the patience for these little mind games. “Where the hell did they take her?” Voice harsh. Demanding the answer.
“There’s a warehouse a few miles away from here.” Her voice breaks. “Careful, you’ll rip out my extensions.” She whines. That was the least of my worries. I was tempted to pull them out just to be spiteful.
“Drive me there,” I demand her, preferring to be back where my cat is. Wanting her back home with me. Wanting nothing else to do with Raven, or whatever the fuck her name is. Who knew if she was even sincere about that since everything else was a lie.
“It’s probably too late now.” She excuses, coughing. I weaken my grip temporarily, not wishing to suffocate her before I get my cat back. That could wait. “Maori probably won’t even recognize you by now.”
That couldn’t be possible; we’ve been a part of each other’s lives for so long now. She couldn’t just forget me.
“It won’t be her fault if she has with the drugs Susan has provided her.” Great. Just fucking perfect. Why not tell me some other good news while she was at it?
“I don’t give a fuck. Did I stutter? I said, drive me there.” She nods, quivering. “Charming, you behave while I’m gone.”
“You mean I’m not coming with?” He sounds confused about the concept. “I want to see that, my sisters, okay.” If she was being tested on, she assuredly wasn’t okay. I didn’t need one of her usual annoyances at Charming to lead to her killing him. I couldn’t possibly lose them both in one night.
“Charming, you shouldn’t.” He bows his head down, disappointed. “Now get us in that car.” I urge her.
She nods, sniffling—the trek down to the car done in silence.
The ride was made in silence as well. When we park outside the building, I turn towards Raven. “Did you realize this is what she was going to do?” I ask her, hoping the answer is no. But still not being able to justify it either way.
“She paid me to take you out, distract you. The pay was nice enough to not ask questions.” She avoids my blazing glare, eyes cast to the side. Hardly feeling any shame from the masquerade.
“Why did you need the money so damned bad? Money was more important than an animal’s life?” Her expression says it all. Yes, it was.
“Do you even need to ask that with this economy?” I turn my head aside to avoid striking her across the cheek. I didn’t need to be turning into my stepmother over this aqua haired bimbo. “You must know as you work for HQ, along with your game store job.” She tries to defend herself. I wouldn’t put someone else’s life on the line just so I could get a leg up.
“Just shut up. You’ve said more than enough.” If I wasn’t dealing with whatever peril Maori was in, I would have asked more about how she knew about HQ, but that could be a later concern. Maybe she was just fucking everybody over; it wouldn’t be a complete shock.
So I couldn’t find a date unless someone was bribed to. Great. Maybe Susan was right in suggesting I was ugly. I sneer at my reflection in the car mirror. I couldn’t be fretting over such vain little things right now.
“I’m ready.” I practically jumped out of my seat as Charming jumped on my shoulder. I wasn’t expecting to see him there.
“Holy fuck!” He digs his claws in, so he’s not thrown off course.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I feel him slightly wince at my tone of voice. Serving him right, I instructed him to remain upstairs. Kittens don’t listen to anything, though.
“I said I wanted to make sure she was okay, so I slipped out.” Clearly, someone has been taking far too much advice from Maori if that was his plan of action.
“If it makes any actual difference, I really do like you, Cat. I think I could grow to love you.” She looks at me, ashamed of her actions and shy. “It doesn’t matter why I was-” I cut her off right there, not needing to hear any other bullshit spewing from her lips.
“Because of you, my cat might not be alive in there. Maori might not even be herself anymore. Because you blindly took some money from a pretty lady offering what you hoped was a simple job. I don’t want to see your face again.” The words sting her.
“But Cat…” I don’t bother giving it an answer as I move nonstop to the warehouse.
“Don’t you think you were a bit harsh?” Charming asks. But the words are lost on my ears as we make our way in. I look in horror seeing Susan’s lifeless body dangling from
Maori’s canines. Well, most of it anyhow...there were a few fingers strewn about the floor in chunks and pieces. Almost like that was the tastier part of the body. Her head a few feet away, having been torn off like a barbie. Throwing her around like she’s a damned rag doll.
I’m not sure whether to be proud or disturbed. Maori defended herself not being used as a toy soldier of sorts; on the other hand, Susan looked like she was the meaty part of the stew by how her body was torn into torn size chunks.
There’s a table to the other side of the room with vials and stuff. I decided to investigate that. Maybe Susan had a backup plan? She rarely went for being the impulsive one, always having thought matters through. Unless she was desperate enough… This likely wasn’t the last I would see of her.
I glance back to Maori, but she’s too busy throwing around the body to give a fuck to what I’m doing.
“Baby…” I tentatively go up to her, like she’s a wild animal. Though the word is quite fitting for her right now. I hold out my hand inches away from her nose, hoping she’ll sniff at it. Worse comes to worst, I would be a second torn up, Susan.
She growls at me, her breath knocking me back a few feet.
“That was fun!” Charming jumps up in response. Latching his paws on Maori’s leg before I can hold him back. The damned kitten. She seeks to bite at him, but he rushes upon her back. Like her twelve-foot body was to be used for his own amusement.
She hisses.
“Mommy and I are here to bring you back home.” Her canines practically wrap themselves around his body, but I grab him away in the knick of time. Him being the wiggly kitten he is, though, runs towards the table of chemicals. My heart nearly stops as he bounces up on the table, and Maori slams straight into it.
“Again!” Charming yells from the other corner of the room, seeing it as some elaborate fun game. I pick up his foolish self, so he doesn’t ingest any of the substances himself. “But I wanna play!”