Dr. Susan's Reign: Cat Johnson series (Cat Johnson Chronicles Book 1) Read online

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  “Sh, baby.” I run my finger down his nose to calm him down, so he’s lightly napping in my arms. Because then I could check Maori out and discover what was going on. She’s out like a light, or so I think. “Maori.” I lightly nudge her body. Hoping like hell, she didn’t die with whatever chemicals spilled on her.

  “Maori.” I rushed over towards her, trying to make my voice heard in whatever haze she’s in.

  She grunts. “Cat.” Her eyes staring at me. Much bigger than they used to be, but they just look miserable instead of manic rage in despair. She stumbles away from the table by a few feet, then drops her face into her paws. “What the hell happened? Why does my head hurt so much?” Her eyes close before opening again. “Why the fuck are you so small?” Her eyes squint at me like she’s having migraines.

  It’s like the drugs’ effect erased any memory she had of what happened while she was on them. She peers around her, looking at pieces of Susan all around. “Who did that?” Frowning at her notion that she did this.

  “Maori.” I go up to her, and she head-butts me. Nearly making me stumble over, but I hold my ground. Charming, waking up climbing on her head.

  “And the kid is so tiny. He was tiny before, but now he’s like an ant compared to me.” That wasn’t a lie as he now stood smaller than her paw: one good whack and bye-bye Charming. I push the thought from my head. She wouldn’t do that.

  “Maori, there are some things we need to talk about.”

  “Put your hands in the air!” The voice comes out from the background. I recognize that voice. Brian was bringing them here to take Maori. Over my dead fucking body! On the other end, Raven, pointing towards an exit.

  “Cat, I’m sorry, please follow me.” She reaches out her hand. What other shit did she manage to wrap herself in?

  God damn it, I didn’t want to. “Come on, Maori,” I tell her anyway, though that was the best option. She could theoretically kill all the HQ on the other side of that door, but she wouldn’t be alive long after that.

  She attempts to get up.

  “Please, Maori, get a move on for me,” I beg her. “We can’t have them catching up with us.” She gives me a bitchy glare but has me climb atop her back so we can chase after the area that Raven is pointing towards. I hold Charming to my chest so he doesn’t take the liberty upon himself to run off. He’s surprisingly quiet through the whole ordeal.

  The path she leads us to is another way to the woods, but she steps to the side before we get in. Leaving us taking off deep within the safety of those depths. “Hopefully, I’ll see you again, Cat. I’ll cover for you as long as I can.”

  She shouldn’t assume that this act of kindness would make up for everything that happened. I bite my tongue from saying anything, though, as I didn’t want her to alert them. What was she, a double-crosser with Susan as well? Did she work for HQ? Was she part of Brian’s proposal to take me the hell down?

  Those thoughts were erased from my mind as we made our way further in the woods. Holding Charming tighter than ever as the eyes of the tested on bats stare at us, making our way. Maori continues on, growling at any that dare to glance our way. Them taking that warning to heart. We continue until we’re at a cave. In the cave is the tiger kitty we saw a few days ago.

  “Hi!” Charming greets him, always delighted to have new company. His voice sounds muffled, though, as if something was in his mouth. He reacts well to him as they rub against each other.

  I picked him up. “Charming, what the fuck is in your mouth?” God, did I even want to know where we just were?

  He seeks to hide it away from me, but I manage to get a hold of him. Regretting it as soon as I take it, steal it from his mouth. It was a chunk of what could presumably be one of Susan’s fingers.


  “I figured it would have to taste good since Maori was enjoying it.” He says as if it were obvious, leaving me with no words to say. No proper response to that. I pocket it anyway, so his stupid ass but can’t chow down on more flesh. The spot nearly burned in my pocket. I couldn’t wait to be rid of it.

  If there were anything in my stomach, it would be purged by now.

  “Didn’t think I’d see you again.” Maori looks at him as the two share a knowing look. “Is it alright if my human and brother stay here with me tonight?” He nods as if it’s more than okay. Going up to Maori before she wanders off.

  “Stop.” His voice is softer than I would have imagined it from that interaction days ago. “You’re injured and need to be healed.”

  Maori narrowing his eyes at him but neglectfully going for it as it was needed. She hated to have to be the one to be fixed.

  “It’s okay,” I tell her. “He’s not going to hurt you.” There was no way to fully convey that. No way to know if I’d survive the night in this place that campers wouldn’t walk out of. But for now, I snuggle against Maori, without a worry of what tomorrow would bring.

  Chapter 17



  I blink my eye to see Susan back to her normal form before Maori tore her to shreds. This had to be some sort of dream or an alternate reality of some sort.

  Susan smiles at me. “This is a dream, Cat.” Her anger lines were gone.

  “What are you doing here?” I step away from her, feeling conflicted. Sure, I loved her, but she was the reason Maori was in her current position.

  No apology, just staring at me. “Please dance with me. I don’t know how much longer we have together.”

  I reluctantly step up to her, knowing she’s right. Might as well end things on a good note. Enjoy a few moments of ignorant bliss...

  She twirls me around in her arms. “Yes.” Holding her hands on my waist. “It won’t be an easy task, though.”

  “Will you tell me?” I lean up to her, mere centimeters away from her lips. How easy it would be to just capture them one more time.

  “Yes.” She nods. “If you go to my apartment, there are the recipes for my experiments in the fridge.” Not exactly sounding like what I need. “The one on the red card will be the elements of the enlargement formula. With that, you should be able to find something to reverse it.” That was less than hopeful; she knew I wasn’t a scientist.

  “How am I supposed to figure that out?” I accept the turn to spin her around, slightly smiling at the picture despite the conversation. I shouldn’t smile; she just looked so beautiful. And this reminded me of past times for a moment.

  “You’re in the woods, aren’t you?” She asks as if it were clear. “Many of my enlarged creatures are here. Just take one of them with the formula to HQ, and their leading scientists can figure it out.” I’m not confident they would let me back there after what transpired.

  “They won’t let me back there.”

  “They will work with that info. If you need a sure-fire way to become accepted, note that Raven was working for me as well.” I grimace, knowing I couldn’t screw her over like that. Sure, she made it possible that I would be gone from the apartment so they could steal her. But she also made it possible to slip away with Maori.”

  “Cat.” She kisses me tenderly; I accept it kissing her back. Magic. Knowing this is the last chance I’ll ever have to do that. Slightly hating myself for doing so with all the past damage, this is there.

  Maori would be so disappointed in me right now.

  ...Well, some things were better off kept secret.

  She draws away, still gripping my hands. And I’m reminded how perfectly our hands fit together. Mine is smaller and more thimble, while hers easily envelopes mine. “Can you promise me something?” Her voice cracks.

  I lean my head against hers not sure what she’s about to propose. “Can we sit for a few and snuggle?”

  She nods. “Sure.” We go to sit on a broken-down tree trunk—the image of the wooded area in my mind, without all the creatures within it.

  “I need you to promise you’ll allow yourself to fall in love again.” My heart halts at those words.r />
  “I don’t know if I can allow myself to do that again.” I opened myself up completely to her, for her to take off without a word one day.

  “Cat, you’re an amazing person. I should have never left you the way I did.” A tear slips down her face, displaying her past regrets. It’s almost like her; she was in this mental picture was the one before she became corrupted.

  “Why did you then?” When I ask, a tear or two falls. “I was ready to marry you.” Life would be so much different now if she wouldn’t have taken off. I wouldn’t be with HQ, most likely. We would have our little family of us, our cats, and maybe an adopted child at some point—our little utopia.

  “I got the chance from someone to get vengeance for my parent’s deaths. So I took it. I worked out the tools, so I could depose of him.”

  Revenge. The venom that could wipe out everything.

  “But I never got to that point.” Her expression was sad at the sheer thought of it.

  “Who?” I question.

  “I don’t wish to spend our last few moments conversing, talking about that. There are my journals if you want to read more. Please don’t take it on yourself, though.” Easier said than done. Part of me wanted to avenge my greatest love I’ve ever had, while the other part felt it wasn’t my fight. And that I had a shit ton of stuff to take care of for myself.

  “Please, Cat, allow yourself to love again.” She peers around worriedly. “Our time is coming to a close soon. I’m so sorry we didn’t have our little life together that we dreamed of. Sorry I fucked that up.” She bows her head, regret showing. “If I knew what I know now, I would have never given that up.”

  “I don’t want to move on. I want-” It’s too late, though, as she fades away.

  “One more thing, please don’t go for Raven. She has too many issues of her own for her to be what you want.” The words whispered as she vanished. “I love you.”

  “I love you, Susan.” I cry out. Begging for another moment or two, but the universe wouldn’t allow it. Fuck this damn universe! It wasn’t fair!

  I awaken, tears in my eyes, and the setting is a beauty to be seen. Susan’s work really goes further than one would have imagined. It’s like this forest was one out of a fairy tale. The sky somehow a light blue, then violet, then indigo as you look further down. Birds flying around were once your normal cardinals and pigeons, but now the size of Maori when she was just a normal house cat. Incredible.

  I take out my phone to see if I can snap a picture, but the battery is expected. Dead.

  Speaking of Maori, I was leaning against her now. Just enjoying the breeze. There was Maori, Tiger, and… I jumped up. Where the fuck was Charming? God damn it, he should have stayed in the apartment. This place was nowhere near safe enough for an inquisitive kitten to roam.

  “Cat, why are we getting up so early?” Maori groans. Especially since we had such a late night last night.

  “Charming’s missing.” Those words have her on high alert. And despite her issues with him, I knew she cared. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t be in this position now.

  “Let’s fucking find him then!” We roam around the forest, other creatures licking their lips like I’m a treat. Then going back to their place once Maori leers at them. I guess it’s true what they say about the cat being king of the jungle.

  “Have any of you noticed a small yet annoying kitten around?” Maori asks; a bird turns its head to the side.

  “I think he ran towards the spider den.” That couldn’t be too bad, right? A couple of spiders? Sure, I wasn’t much of a fan of them. Maori doesn’t have the same gist, though, as she grabs me lightly by the back of my shirt like I’m a cub and starts running. She must have more intel on this stuff with the other animals around the city.

  And holy mother of fuck, we are at the spider den. The webbing is twenty feet tall. I see Charming’s young body entangled in the middle. Wrapped in a web, like he was the spider’s next morsel. We were fucking lucky we didn’t get here a moment later.

  “Tiger!” Maori yells out for his help. A rushing heard through the woods.

  Without thinking of it, I instinctively started running up the web towards where he was. Poor Charming passed out from whatever venom they gave him. It’s stronger than any other type of web I encountered before, but I force myself to pursue it. The webbing tearing off bits and scraps of my clothing from how strong it is. Cutting into my skin at several other parts. This is what I get for wearing shorts and a light top in these forsaken woods. The skin could be restored. Nothing could fix Charming if he died. Maori staring at me in uncertainty. I get my arms around his body, wrenching him out of the web. At least he’d be easier to take back to the apartment in his slumber.

  “Cat, look out!” Maori yells as the Spider is aiming one of its needle-sharp legs at me. And fuck, it was huge. Being half the size, I am. Not something I would wanna see in my shower.

  “Fuck.” I twirl out of the way. Taking a quick moment to zip my jacket around Charming, so he doesn’t go flying free, plus I’d have more movement of my hands. What still existed of the jacket anyway, it didn’t matter. It was enough to hold him. “Wanna tango?” A slightly demented smile pulls up my lips as I have my dance of sorts with the spider. She seeks to stab a needle leg at me, I pull away.

  “Human, just leave me my lunch, and I’ll let you go free.” She sounds tired.

  I grab a branch from a nearby tree, ripping it out as I take it. Having my own weapon against her now.

  “He ran into my nest; that was his misery, not yours. Don’t allow yourself to pay for the young one’s mistakes.”

  “I’m not letting him die either.” I am the stick towards her head, but with the many massive eyes staring at me, she captures it, flinging it to the side.

  “Can’t say I didn’t warn you.” The spider has the upper hand, but Tiger’s paw strikes it the fuck down.

  “Don’t mess with my people.” Maori gets in the spider’s face, ready to run it off. “Sorry, queen.” She gestures towards Tiger. “Sorry, King. I didn’t realize they were with you, or I would have never touched them.” I’m not sure how much I believe those words. “Please don’t kill me.”

  “We have to make an example, so no one else gets these absurd notions in their head.” Tiger, strictly business, puts the spider out of her misery in a swift move. Others gawk at the scene. He turns towards Charming and me. “You two should perhaps get out of here. Maori and I will escort you as far as we can. This place isn’t meant for humans and regular house pets.” He gives Charming and I a look of thinly veiled disdain.

  His words make sense, but I don’t want to leave Maori all alone.

  “Cat, I’ll be fine.” She studies at me, giving me a reassuring nod. I had no hesitation she could fit in this world. I just wish it didn’t have to be this way.

  “I found some info from Susan on how to fix you. Can you meet up with me at the edge tomorrow afternoon with one of the forest dwellers so I can report to HQ?” I look in worry as she doesn’t immediately answer. Was this life preferable to her, as opposed to the one at my place? Or was she trying to not get her hopes up?

  “We can meet then.” She answers, still not commenting on the other stuff as we walk towards the edge. “Decisions can be made when the time comes.” Sounding wise for her years, and not like my normal snarky kitty. How much did this change her? Me, I’d be a crying mess if I became some sort of giant.

  We reach the end of the clearing. “This is as far as I can take you guys. See you two tomorrow afternoon.” She’s about to turn back, but I call towards her.

  Giving her a hug, which she accepts for once given the circumstances. “Maori, we will see each other again. Don’t forget about us. Please don’t let go of who you are. One death doesn’t make you a monster.” I seek to reassure her, but the dismissive look in her eyes says she doesn’t believe it.

  She nods. Pressing her head against mine. “Do what you can to keep the little one out of trouble. He’s a
lot of work if you didn’t know.” Snarky to the last moment, yet my lovable kitty. We could get through this. Together.

  Chapter 18


  I watch as Cat and Charming trot away to safety. Or more like Cat cradling him since he’s still comatose from the spider venom. Something she wouldn’t be able to do to me until I’m normal size again. Never thought I would miss that, but you never realize how good things are until they’re gone. At least that would make it easier to get him home, or wherever they were going to go now. Not sure they could come back home after last night’s events. HQ likely had the apartment bugged.

  I should have kept more of an alert eye on him; of course, he’d run to the spider’s den looking for some type of plaything. Playful was the very definition of that rambunctious kitten. That or trouble. Maybe both.

  “Maori, you alright?” Tiger asks me as I continue staring into the distance. I wish I would have been able to go home with Cat. All I would have to concern myself with when she would give me my next meal or when the next nap of the day was. Or the harsh reality of being hungry after I puked up my meal, and Cat would neglect to get me another serving right away.

  “Yeah.” I nod, not fully convinced myself. “Things are just different now.” I was content with the day-to-day mundane life I had. I even missed Charming as they were out of sight now... Not that I would ever admit it to Cat.

  “This life isn’t that bad.” He tries to cheer me up. “You’ll get the hang of it. Lucky for you, you are part of the dominant species.” Us cats conquer. I’d much rather be going with Cat to conquer the apartment instead of the woods.

  Chapter 19


  I tentatively make my way into my place, realizing that I have to grab stuff for Charming. Since Susan had no cat anymore, I doubt there was kitty stuff in those quarters. That assumably would be where I was spending the night, as I didn’t expect my apartment to stay clear long term. Plus, maybe a few things for me if there was time. Change of clothes from these shredded rags.